Sodium & Vai Trò Của Muối Đối Với Sức Khoẻ (P.1)

Sodium & The Role of Salt in Health (P.1)

“Man can live without gold… but not without salt” – Cassiodorus

Currently, there are many types of salt in the world with different compositions due to the characteristics of origin and processing after being exploited. However, all salt in the world originates from the sea, where many ions, minerals and other compounds are dissolved and in general, the main ingredient in salt is Sodium Chloride (Na Cl - the two main ions that make salt salty) - which is also an essential ingredient for functions in the human body.

All human fluids including blood, sweat, tears and digestive juices contain salt. Sodium Chloride is essential for the survival of humans and all living things on earth, it balances, osmosis of fluids between cells and is necessary for the growth of the body.

Sodium (Na) is essential for transmitting nerve impulses, aiding in hydration, pH balance and nutrient absorption, allowing the blood to carry carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Sodium works in tandem with Potassium (Ka – a substance found in salt and many other foods), the balance between Sodium and Potassium supports nerve function and muscle contraction, regulates osmosis between cell membranes, helping to transport nutrients in and waste out.

"Sodium Chloride is essential for the survival of humans and all living things on earth"

Chloride, like sodium, serves the body as an electrolyte that triggers electrical signals that allow nerve tissue to function, and it also regulates the amount of blood that carries carbon dioxide out of cells and out of the body through breathing. Chloride helps the blood maintain pH balance and supports nerve transmission in the brain. Chloride also plays an important role in protein digestion as part of Pepsin (an enzyme found in gastric juice). Thanks to Chloride, the body can “produce” its own disinfectants to protect itself from contamination/infection through the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice that helps disinfect and digest food. Chloride helps the body produce hypochloride – a disinfectant that helps the immune system fight infection.

"Salt helps the "ocean" inside our body not to flow out and evaporate"

Sodium, Chloride and Potassium ions have the ability to pass through cell membranes. This ensures that the fluids inside living cells remain separated from the fluids outside. Our bodies are mostly water, and these ions help keep our internal “ocean” from flowing out and evaporating. Water escaping from the renal drainage system causes the body to lose a small amount of essential water. Of the 1,500 liters of blood that pass through the kidneys each day, only about 1.5 liters of fluid leaves the body through urine and sweat. Sodium ions exert a large pressure on the renal fluids and thus help regulate metabolic function.

The human body develops a physiological “desire” for salt and a sophisticated sense of salt perception from a very early age. It can be said that the water and sodium regulation system in our body is the most developed and efficient biological system. When the immune system is damaged, we will get sick. When the endocrine system is damaged, the body will not be able to regulate metabolism and tissue function. And so, when the sodium and water regulation system is damaged, all of our body’s functions including immune, endocrine, nervous and digestive systems will stop working.

"It can be said that the water and sodium regulation system in our body is the most developed and efficient biological system"

According to Chinese medicine, salt stimulates the kidneys, promotes metabolism, warms the body and combats dry skin. Salt is used in many Chinese herbal formulas for treating cancer, it also promotes bowel movements, drawing water into the intestines due to its osmotic properties. According to Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional medicine of India, salt in small amounts has the ability to increase the energy of the human body due to its storage, crystallization and energizing properties. Kala Namak or 'black salt' is a popular salt in Northern India, in addition to its culinary benefits, it is considered a cooling spice and digestive aid.

Salt is so important, however, there are currently many recommendations regarding the dosage of salt that affects health. What are those effects, and how to use salt properly and most reasonably? Please comment your opinion or questions so we can discuss them together!

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